The Town of Bel Air is proud to offer a variety of murals and sculptures for the community to enjoy. Our Public Art Tour encourages residents and visitors to view forty-four pieces of public art throughout the Town of Bel Air. With the map as a guide, the Public Art Tour begins with a two-mile, self-guided walk through downtown featuring images and descriptions of twenty-three sculptures and murals.  The tour continues with an additional fifteen pieces accessible within a short drive around Bel Air.  This map is also a great way to tour our art virtually if you can’t be here in person!

Since our designation as an Arts & Entertainment District in 2011, we have seen significant growth in our public art landscape.  We know that public art serves to create a unique community identity, it reduces stress and contributes to our overall well-being. The Town of Bel Air and the Bel Air Cultural Arts Commission (BACAC) have funded a number of pieces and the BACAC has also set up Public Art Sponsorship Guidelines for property owners who may want to add public art to their buildings. Initiatives through the Bel Air Downtown Alliance and local businesses have also grown the collection.

Hard copies of the Art Walk portion of the tour can be picked up at the Visitor’s Center located in Harford Artists Gallery at Armory Marketplace at 37 North Main Street.

In addition, you can take advantage of the Harford County Mural Trail and the Harford County Barn Quilt Trail made available by Visit Harford